Saturday, October 31, 2020


 "Be proud to be an Engineer" 

Purpose of the Soil investigation (Geological Investigation):-

Short Notes for interview answer: -

·        * In order to design the foundation for the structure. 

      *To execute the design, the character and distribution of ground material and groundwater to be determined.

·        *By Assessing the stability of ground material, will lead design engineer to improve the stability & safety of site.

·        *Defining and describing the ground material will assist to evaluating its suitability for using as a backfill material.

     Therefore, Soil investigation is the key to designing the structure. (Especially major structures, I.e.Bridges, Flyovers, Water Tanks, Etc.,)   

       "Please see below, explained with images for better understanding"

Comprehensive Notes: - 

·      The purpose of the geotechnical investigation is to determine the character and distribution of geological materials and groundwater within the project site for use in foundation design and Excavation design.

·        To assess the stability of the site to provide the design engineers with the required measures to enhance the stability and safety of the site.

·        To Define and describe the subsurface materials within the site in order to assist in evaluating its suitability to be used as backfill materials.

The scope involved:-

·        The geotechnical investigation consisted of 

           *Field studies and 

           *Laboratory analysis

Filed Study: - The field portion of the investigation employed test borings and sampling, additionally standpipe piezometer was also installed for groundwater monitoring and sampling. 

Laboratory analysis: - Laboratory studies include tests to determine soil properties, including physical and mechanical properties, additionally chemical analysis on selected samples of soil, rock, and groundwater.  

·        Performing engineering analysis based on the field and laboratory findings.

·        Developing recommendations for foundations design and construction. 



 Soil Sampling and Drilling

Test Method

The  soil investigation  works  shall   be  carried  out  in accordance  with  the  following  standards  and  codes  of practices

BS 1377Part9:1990 "Methods of Test for Civil Engineering Purpose, BS 5930:1999 "Codes of practices for site Investigation”

          Site Samples photos

 "Be proud to be an Engineer" 

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INTERVIEW Q&A for Geo-Technical Investigation and Geological Materials and Ground Water

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