Tuesday, May 9, 2017



Setting out and demarcation of security pass office and customs building Project area in detail.


Determination of soil bearing capacity at O.G.L for foundations design.


Filling and compaction to foundation formation level in layers of 150mm compacted thickness, carrying out compaction test for each layer.


Excavation for underslab drainage, etisalat, electrical, water supply services and necessary accessories. Backfill in layers to floor slab and footing formation level.


Cutting and Compaction for foundation thickenings of load bearing and non-load bearing foundations forming side slopes in excavation.


Fix side shuttering for all external load bearing foundations,  1000 gauge polythene sheets over floor slab and footing area.


Fix steel reinforcement to footings and floor slab area in accordance with structural design details and approved bar bending schedules.


Lay uPVC electrical conduits through floor slab as indicated in proposed electrical layout.

Cast footings and floor slab using MSRC 40/20 concrete poured by pump or direct discharge from truck mixer, following casting cure slab by covering with Hessian and watering.


Block work- bridge openings for doors and windows with pre-cast lintels.


Continue blockwork over lintels to U/S of framing beams.


Shuttering for 250mm high drop beams and roof slab soffit.


Fix reinforcement for drop beams and roof slab according to structural design.


Lay uPVC  electrical conduits and other services (eg. rain water outlet for down pipes).


Cast drop beams and roof slab using concrete pump and cure structural elements by covering with Hessian and watering.


Shuttering for parapet  external walls, followed by steel reinforcement.


Cast parapet walls using concrete pump.


Roofing system lay 50mm light weight concrete screed, 4mm torch applied membrane over primed surface, 50mm extruded polystryene board and 50mm thick washed rounded wadi gravel.

Chase blockwork for embedded electrical, fire fighting, water supply and AC power cables.


Internal and External plastering cement/sand mortar.


Install doors, windows, counter and kitchen wall units etc.


Lay floor screed followed by 8mm floor tiles (grannitto ceramic). Tiles to be fixed with glue. Wall tiles (6mm thick ceramic) on walls of toilet and kitchen , skirting tiles matching with floor.


Sanitary fittings (W.C, Wash basins, kitchen sink), light fittings with accessories, fire fighting and AC works etc.


External walls and parapet "JEOTATEX" painting system along with 2 coats of Weathertough emulsion.





1.1.1 Scope of this Section

1 This Section specifies the general clauses applicable to Works being carried out in accordance with this Specification.

1.1.2 Scope of the DOT Construction Specification

1 The clauses in this Specification are applicable in varying degrees to each and every part of the Works. Their function is to bring together all those statements which are normally common to most types of work.
2 The  DOT Construction Specification applies to the entire Works, whether on the Site or in yards, workshops employed elsewhere in connection with the Works.

1.1.3 Precedence of Specification and Documents

1 The precedence of documents shall be:
(a) Particular Conditions of Contract.
(b) General Conditions of Contract.
(c) Project Specific Specification.
(d) Project Specific and General Drawings.
(e) DOT Construction Specification.


1.2.1 Compliance with the DOT Construction Specification

1 Unless otherwise stated in the Project Documentation, the Contractor shall comply with Every requirement of the Construction Specification that is relevant to the type of work. Forming any part of the Contract and shall adopt whichever permissible option or alternative
That is best suited to the needs of the construction work being undertaken.

1.2.2 Compliance with the General Conditions of Contract

1 The DOT Construction Specification is intended for use with the General Conditions of Contract.
2 The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the General Conditions of Contract in the course of construction of the Works.


1.3.1 References to Standards

1 Any standard referred to in this Specification shall be deemed to be the version and/or standard(s) which supersedes, that was current forty-two days prior to the date of return of Tenders.
2 Any standard referred to in this Specification shall be construed as reference to an equivalent one.
3 The Contractor shall provide copies of all referenced standards applicable to the work being undertaken. Translations of standards not written in English shall be provided where necessary.

1.3.2 Government Published Specifications, Regulations, Notices and Circulars

1 The works shall be executed in accordance with the following DOT specifications, regulations, notices and circulars:

1.3.3 Survey Marks

1 The Contractor shall consult the Engineer prior to any earth or other works to determine if the work is likely to disturb survey marks. If the Engineer requires a survey mark to be moved the Contractor will be responsible for recreating the survey mark to an approved design and specification, and for resurveying the point using survey companies approved by the Engineer authority.
2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the survey marks within the boundaries of the site for the duration of the contract period, and shall be liable for all costs of any remedial work required by the Engineer.
3 On the practical completion of the Works the Engineer will issue a certificate stating that all survey marks, whether disturbed or otherwise by the Contractor, have been reinstated or protected to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
4 In the event of failure to comply with the requirements of this Clause the Engineer, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, may deduct the costs of any remedial work after the practical completion date carried out by the Engineer, from any monies in its hands or which may become due to the Contractor.


1.4.1 General

1 Terms and definitions shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 6100.
2 The following terms and conditions shall apply when used within, or in association with, the
 DOT  Specification. Terms, which are restricted in their application to certain
types of material or workmanship, are dealt with in the appropriate Section.
3 The definitions given in the General Conditions of Contract shall apply to this specification.

1.4.2 The Contract

1 The binding agreement between the Government and the Contractor for the construction of the Works.

1.4.3 The Contractor

1 The company or organisation responsible for the construction of the Works, and who have entered into a contract with the Government.


1.4.4 The Engineer

1 The person, firm or corporation appointed as such by the Owner for the purposes of the Contract unless specified otherwise in the Project Documentation.

1.4.5 The Engineer’s Representative

1 The resident engineer or resident architect or assistant of the Engineer or any Clerk of Works appointed from time to time by the Engineer to perform the duties set forth in Clause
2 of General Conditions of Contract whose authority shall be notified in writing to the Contractor by the Engineer.

1.4.6 The Owner

1 The Ministry, Municipality, Department, Affairs, Agency, Authority, or individual for whom the Project is being undertaken and to whom the handover of the final product will be made.

1.4.7 The Site

1 The land allocated for the Works.

1.4.8 The Works

1 The Works as defined in the Project Documentation.

1.4.9 The Drawings

1 The drawings included in the Project Documentation.

1.4.10 The Construction Plant

1 All appliances or things of whatsoever nature required in or about the execution, completion or maintenance of the Works or Temporary Works but does not include materials or other things intended to form or forming part of the permanent work.

1.4.11 The Temporary Works

1 All temporary works of every kind required in or about the execution, completion or maintenance of the Works.

1.4.12 The Specifications

1 All specifications contained in the Contract including any modifications or additions thereto as may from time to time be issued or approved in writing by the Engineer.

1.4.13 Specified

1 Specified in the Project Documentation.

1.4.14 Approved

1 Terms such as “approved’, “approved by”, “to the approval”, “as directed” and the like refer always to approval or directions given by the Engineer in writing.

1.4.15 Project Documentation

1 All documents associated with and applicable to the Project Contract.

1.4.16 Guarantee

1 A Guarantee is a written assurance that a material, product, component, item of equipment, finishing or any other part of the Works meets certain defined standards or quality criteria and/or lasts for a certain length of time.

1.4.17 Government Departments and Utility Services

1 Any reference in the Specification to historic names of Government departments and utility owners shall be read as the successor’s name.
2 TPA (Third Party Inspection Agency) - where stated in the documents is the approved  authority who is responsible on behalf of the Engineer for inspection/service/release.

1.4.18 Singular and Plural

1 Words importing the singular only also include the plural vice versa where the context requires.


3 Reference to a technical society, institution, association or governmental authority is made in the Specifications in accordance with the following abbreviations


1.6.1 Contract Language

1 All communications, meetings and documentation shall be in English.


2.1.1 Scope

1 This Part specifies the uses and maintenance requirements of the Site.
2 Related Sections and parts are as follows:
This Section 1-3 clause 103.3
Engineer’s Site Facilities
Contractor’s Site Facilities


2.2.1 General

1 The Site shall not be used for any purpose other than that of carrying out the Works.
2 Temporary camps, housing and cooking facilities shall not be permitted on the Site unless
Otherwise stated in the Project Documentation.


2.3.1 General

The Conditions of Contract the Site, the equipment used Upon it and the Works shall be kept clean at all times.



3.1.1 Scope

1 This Part specifies the requirements for access to the Site including temporary access roads, and the Contractor’s entry onto the Site.
2 Related Sections and Parts are as follows:
This Section Part IX & IX-2(General Specifications) Traffic Diversions



3.2.1 Temporary Access Roads

1 The Contractor shall arrange for, construct, maintain and afterwards remove and reinstate any access required for and in connection with the execution of the Works.
2 Reinstatement shall include restoring the area of any access route to at least the degree of safety, stability and drainage that existed before the Contractor entered the Site.
3 The Contractor is required to maintain and provide satisfactory temporary access and traffic flow to, from and within the areas of the works. Temporary traffic signs and lighting for temporary roads and diversions are to be in strict accordance with the requirements of the DOT Traffic Manual and any additional requirements instructed by the Traffic Police or the Engineer. Details of proposals for any such measures are to be submitted by the Contractor for approval to the Traffic Police and the Engineer prior to the implementation of the diversions or temporary roads unless otherwise instructed. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.
4 The Contractor shall maintain at all times pedestrian access to all properties fronting the roads affected by the works.
5 The Contractor shall at all times during the Contract maintain safe and proper access to and from adjacent buildings and properties.
6 The Contractor shall maintain at all times all the traffic signs, lighting, barriers, cones and whatever additionally required to keep the diversions, temporary roads and pedestrian access in a very good condition and best workable status.


3.3.1 Entry onto the Site

1 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing 14 days in advance of his intentions to start work. If construction of the Works includes operations in two or more areas, such notifications shall apply to each area.
2 Working areas for which access is subject to time constraints shall be as detailed in the Project Documentation.
3 Any known hazards in the working areas shall be detailed in the Project Documentation.
4 The Contractor shall keep records of the dates of his entry onto and departure from all areas
included in the Works, together with the dates of the erection and removal of temporary
hoarding, and shall furnish copies of these records when required by the Engineer.
5 The Contractor shall make a record to be agreed with the Engineer on the condition of the Site immediately before entering for the purpose of constructing the Works.
6 Prior to commencing Work in roads the Contractor shall complete, and submit to the Engineer, the necessary inventory forms (Road Safety Division Site Inventory form, the Street Name Inventory etc). The Contractor shall be responsible for rectifying any damage to the above signs in the absence of an approved inventory prior to construction.
7 Where work is required on the Owner’s plant the Contractor shall comply with the Owner’s permit procedure prior to commencement of work.



4.1.1 Scope

1 This Part specifies the requirements associated with the protection of the Works and other works, watching and lighting and for Site hoarding.


4.2.1 General Protection

1 The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care and protection of the Works and Temporary Works against damage of any kind for the duration of the Contract.
2 In the event of any damage to the Works or Temporary Works, the Contractor shall undertake all necessary repairs at his own cost.

4.2.2 Protection of Finishes, Equipment and Surfaces

1 The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the protection of finishes, equipment and surfaces that form part of the Works. Protective coatings and wrappings shall be left on items for as long as possible and practicable.
2 In the event of any damage to finishes, equipment or surfaces, the Contractor shall all necessary undertake repairs at his own cost.


4.3.1 Protection against Damage

1 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to avoid causing any unwarranted damage to roads, land, properties, trees and other features and, during the currency of the Contract shall deal promptly with any complaints by owners or occupiers.
2 Where any portion of the Works is close to, across, or under any existing apparatus, the
Contractor shall temporarily support and work round, under or adjacent to the apparatus in a
manner designed to avoid damage, leakage or danger, and to ensure uninterrupted operation of the apparatus.
3 Should any leakages or damage be discovered, the Contractor shall at once notify the Engineer and the owner concerned, as appropriate and the Contractor shall afford every facility for the repair or replacement of the apparatus affected.
4 The Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage caused by him, his work people, sub-contractors or suppliers to public or private roads, paved areas, paths, verges, trees, shrubs, fences, boundary walls, gates, signs, drains, ducts and services during the execution of the Contract and shall bear the cost of making good any damage to the entire satisfaction of the local and other authorities and owners. The Contractor shall keep all private roads and paths clean and free from dirt and debris and any obstruction associated with the works, which would prejudice the safe and unimpeded normal use of the said roads and paths.

4.3.2 Procedure for Complaints and Claims for Damage

1 Details of all claims or warnings of intended claims which the Contractor may receive, shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer without delay. Likewise, any such claims orwarnings, which may be submitted directly to the Engineer shall be passed to the Contractor without delay.
2 A similar exchange of information shall also be made in relation to all complaints which may be received.
3 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing immediately following any damage or injury resulting from the execution of the Works.
4 The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the repair of other works due to damage caused by the Contractor.

4.3.3 Protection of Survey Control Points

1 The Contractor shall protect all Government survey control points within the limits of the site from any damage whatsoever, during the construction of the Works.
2 All control points shall be clearly marked on Site by the Contractor and any necessary temporary protection works shall be installed as directed by the Engineer.
3 Should any control point be damaged during the course of the works, its replacement and any other costs incurred (such as resurveying) shall be borne by the Contractor.


4.4.1 Protection of the Public

1 The General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall provide all watching and lighting and everything else necessary by day and night for the protection of the public.

4.4.2 Protection Against Theft

1 The General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall provide all watching and lighting and everything else necessary by day and night for the protection against theft of goods, materials, plant, etc., from the Site to whomsoever belonging.

4.4.3 Protection Against Damage

1. The General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall provide all watching and lighting and
everything else necessary by day and night for the protection against damage of the Works.


1 The Contractor shall provide watchmen at the Site at all times outside of normal working hours.



5.1.1 Scope

1 This Part specifies the requirements associated with interference with land interests, existing properties, existing roads and apparatus.


5.2.1 Land Interests

1 The Contractor shall confine his construction operations within the Site, or such other area of land as may be negotiated .
2 Subject to any unavoidable disturbance which may be necessitated by the execution of the Works, the Contractor shall not interfere with land use which may be enjoyed on or near the Site.
3 Before exercising any right negotiated by him in connection with using areas of land outside the Site, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of such arrangements.

5.2.2 Existing Properties

1 Before interfering with access to any property, the Contractor shall provide alternative arrangements. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer and the relevant occupiers in writing fourteen (14) days in advance of any such interference and shall confirm to the Engineer that alternative arrangements have been agreed.

5.2.3 Existing Roads

1 The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to prevent vehicles entering and leaving the Site depositing mud or other debris on the surface of adjacent roads or footways, and shall remove any materials so deposited.
2 The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to public or private roads or streets arising out of or by reason of the execution of the Works.
3 The Contractor shall not permit tracked vehicles to travel along permanent or temporary roads without the use of timber mats or other approved precautions to prevent damage.

5.2.4 Apparatus

1 The Contractor shall not obstruct access to any manhole or other surface access cover.



6.1.1 Scope

1 This Part specifies the meetings that will take place before, during and after the construction of the Works.


6.2.1 General

1 A pre-construction meeting shall be held at the Site. The Engineer shall set the date and time of the meeting and shall notify the Contractor accordingly.
2 The Owner, the Engineer and the Contractor and their respective representatives shall attend this meeting.
3 The Engineer shall provide the agenda a minimum of three (3) working days prior to the meeting.

6.2.2 Topics for Discussion

1 Contractual topics of discussion will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

(a) Date of signing Contract Agreement.
(b) Contract sum.
(c) Starting instructions.
(d) Commencing date.
(e) Contract Period.
(f) Maintenance period.
(g) Penalties.

2 Contractor’s Obligation topics of discussion will include, but not necessarily be limited to,

the following:

(a) Performance Bond.
(b) Programme of Works.
(c) Insurance.

3 Site related topics of discussion will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

(a) Possession of the site.
(b) Access to other contractors.
(c) Engineer’s site facilities.
(d) Contractor’s site facilities.
(e) Traffic diversions.
(f) Maintenance of existing access’s.
(g) Over head and underground services.
(h) Sub-contractors and suppliers.
(i) Approved tip off site.
(j) Project sign boards.
(k) Progress photographs.
(l) Health and Safety.
(m) Quality assurance.
(n) Environmental Considerations.
(o) Site personnel.
(p) Site inspections.
(q) Materials on site and material testing.
(r) Engineer’s overtime.
(s) Working hours (Fridays/holidays/overtime working).
(t) Co-ordination.

4 Drawing and communication topics of discussion will include, but not necessarily be limited

to, the following:

(a) Project correspondence.
(b) Project Documentation.
(c) Daily reports.
(d) Weekly reports.
(e) Monthly reports.
(f) Method statements.
(g) Progress meetings.
(h) Material approvals.
(i) Submittals.

5 Miscellaneous topics of discussion will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the


(a) Phased completion dates.
(b) Short term programme.
(c) Variations.
(d) Any other business.


6.3.1 General

1 Progress meetings shall be held once a month. Where possible and practicable, progress meetings shall be held at the same time, day of the month and location.
2 The Engineer shall prepare the agenda and submit it to the Contractor a minimum of three (3) working days prior to the meeting.
3 Progress Meetings shall be attended by the Engineer and his representatives and the Contractor and his representatives. Sub-contractors may attend when involved in the matters to be discussed or resolved but only when requested by the Engineer. In addition to the attendees named herewith, the meeting shall be attended by representatives of utility owners, Government departments and authorities and any other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the Project, if required, and such other persons the Engineer may designate.
4 The time and location of the progress meetings shall be as directed by the Engineer. The Engineer shall chair the meetings.
5 The Contractor shall submit the information itemized below to the Engineer at least three (3) working days prior to each progress meeting:
(a) A list of completed activities.
(b) A list of current activities with an estimate of time required for completion.
(c) A list of changes to planned starting dates and durations for all outstanding activities.
(d) Percentage completion for each current activity.
(e) A list of activities planned to start in the next period.
(f) Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Data and issues.
(g) Any other information required by the Engineer’s Representative.
6 If the Contractor requires additional Progress Meetings he shall submit his request in writing
to the Engineer. For any such additional meeting:
(a) The Contractor shall provide a proposed agenda for the meeting.
(b) The Contractor shall provide the names of all personnel who are required to attend.
(c) The Engineer shall chair these meetings.

6.3.2 Topics for Discussion

1 Topics of discussion will include but not necessarily be limited to the following:
(a) Actual start and finish dates for activities completed during the update period.
(b) Remaining durations and percentage completion for all activities not completed.
(c) Logic, activity duration and cost data for Variation Order work that will be
Incorporated into the construction schedule.
(d) Contractor’s proposed measures to recover lost time and place the Project back on
Schedule by increasing manpower, materials and equipment resources and working
Extended hours, additional shifts, etc.


6.4.1 General

1 A pre-start up meeting is required prior to starting up any major plant component, subsystem or system.
2 Pre-start up meetings shall be attended by the Engineer and his representatives and the Contractor and his representatives. If necessary, equipment manufacturers and/or suppliers shall also attend.
3 The agenda for the meeting shall be provided by the Engineer a minimum of three (3) working days prior to the meeting.
6.4.2 Topics for Discussion
1 Topics for discussion will include but not necessarily be limited to the following:
(a) Start-up and validation prerequisites.
(b) Start-up plan and schedule.
(c) Temporary connections.
(d) Spare parts, chemicals, and operating fluids.
(e) Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Considerations.
(f) Other items deemed necessary by the Engineer.


6.5.1 General

1 A post construction meeting shall be held prior to final inspection of the Work.
2 Post-construction meetings shall be attended by the Engineer, the Contractor and their
respective representatives.
3 The Agenda for the meeting shall be provided by the Engineer a minimum of three (3)
working days prior to the meeting.

6.5.2 Topics for Discussion

1 Topics for discussion will include but not necessarily be limited to the following:
(a) Discuss and resolve all unsettled matters.
(b) Guarantees and insurance.
(c) Schedules and procedures for final inspection process.
(d) Correction of defects and deficiencies.
(e) Documents required to be submitted by the Contractor.
(f) Other items deemed necessary by the Engineer


6.6.1 Minutes of Meeting

1 The Engineer will record minutes of each meeting.
2 A copy of the minutes shall be furnished to the Contractor within four (4) working days.
3 If the Contractor has any objections to the minutes he shall submit them in writing to the Engineer not more than two (2) days after they are presented to him. In the absence of any objection, it shall be understood and agreed that the Contractor accepts the minutes as true and complete record of the meeting.



7.1.1 Scope

1 This Part specifies the general procedures and requirements for submittals.
2 Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section of  Quality Assurance
Health and Safety
Setting-out of the Works
Health and Safety

7.1.2 Mistakes in Information

1 The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay the extra cost, if any, occasioned by any discrepancies, errors, or omissions in submittals supplied by him, whether they have been approved by the Engineer or not.


7.2.1 Product Data and Shop Drawings

1 Product Data and Shop Drawings include drawings, diagrams, illustrations, brochures, schedules, bills of materials and other data prepared specifically for the Works.
2 The information may be prepared by the Contractor, his sub-contractors, suppliers or distributors, manufacturers or fabricators.
3 The information must illustrate or describe the manufacture, fabrication, construction and installation of the Works or a portion thereof.

7.2.2 As-Built Survey Drawings

1 As-Built Surveys are topographical surveys that show changes to topography as a result of the construction of the Works. Changes to topography include the construction of new structures and roads, demolition of existing structures and roads and the like. The As-Built Survey Drawings shall form a comprehensive record of the topographical changes resulting from the construction of the Works in all respects.
2 As-Built Surveys shall also show all sub-surface elements of the Works. Sub-surface
elements include pipelines, ducts, cables, chambers, manholes and the like. The As-Built Survey Drawings shall form a comprehensive record of the sub-surface elements of the Works as constructed in all respects.

7.2.3 As-Built Record Drawings

1 As-Built Record Drawings are drawings that show the Works as constructed in all respects. They are in addition to the elements of the Works shown on the As-Built Survey Drawings.
2 In addition to the above, the As-Built record drawings shall include all finished horizontal and vertical alignments, chainages, setting out, levels, and details. It shall also include all underground services, utilities, surface features, and any additional information deemed necessary to comprehensively represent the works.

7.2.4 Temporary Works Drawings

1 Temporary Works Drawings are plans for temporary structures and facilities prepared by the Contractor specifically for the Works.
2 Elements of work that may affect the safety of persons or property shall be checked and certified by an approved safety inspector.
3 Calculations demonstrating adequacy of Contractor’s design shall be submitted with the Temporary Works Drawings.


7.4.1 Programme of Works

1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer a Programme of Works in accordance with Clause 14 of the General Conditions of Contract.
2 The Contractor shall update the Programme of Works as required during the construction of the Works.
3 When instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a detailed programme for a particular section of the Works. The detailed programme shall be an elaboration of the overall programme and shall be in an appropriate form.
4 The Contractor shall incorporate the times of occupation of all sub-contractors in the programme and shall make provisions for the access of other contractors as required by the Engineer.
5 The Contractor shall submit a Programme of Works that shall include, but not be limited to the following:
(a) General description of the arrangements and methods proposed by the Contractor to carry out the Works.
(b) Detailed list of the Contractor’s resources (plant, equipment, vehicles, materials, laboratory, workshop, professional personnel, specialists, labour, organization chart, etc.) assigned to the Works.
(c) Time schedule of the mobilisation and deployment of the required resources and their estimated average production rates to complete the Contract within the time for completion.
(d) The Programme required under the General Conditions of Contract.
(e) Cash-flow statement showing anticipated payments due under the Contract.
6 The Contractor shall programme his work in accordance with the Contract and in such a way that he shall not impede any other Contractor working on or adjacent to the Site.
7 The Programme of Work shall identify when access to areas of live plant are required and when shutdowns are required.
8  Any  Programme of Work submitted with the tender documents shall be fully updated before the start of the Works.
9 The Engineer shall give his comments on the programme within 7 days of its submission. The Contractor shall not commence the permanent works until the Engineer has approved his Programme of Work.
10 The approval by the Engineer of the Programme of Work shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.


7.5.1 Staff Organisation Chart

1 The Contractor shall submit a Staff Organisation Chart for the Engineer’s approval within ten (10) days of the start of the Contract.
2 The chart shall show the organisation of executive, administrative and supervisory personnel associated with the Project and indicate the relationship between them where appropriate. It shall include all personnel from Project Manager down to foreman level and give a full description of their duties. The qualifications and experience of all personnel shown on the chart shall be provided.
3 The Engineer may interview any of the personnel proposed by the Contractor prior to approval.
4 The Contractor shall update the chart whenever key personnel are reassigned.

7.5.2 Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) Schedule

1 The Contractor shall submit his ITP Schedule to the Engineer for approval no later 21 calendar days from the start of the contract.
2 The plan shall be as detailed in clause 1300.02 Quality Assurance, of this Section


7.6.1 General

1 A Site Diary shall be kept on site by the Contractor and entered daily for the duration of the Contract. The diary must be entered neatly and legibly in English and should indicate all visitors to the Site and the reason for the visit. The diary shall also record the following:
(a) Labour on site by trade and its allocation.
(b) Sub-contractors working on site.
(c) Material and equipment delivered to site.
(d) Material and equipment utilised.
(e) Plant, equipment and tools brought on to or removed from site including hired plant.
(f) Work progress during the day.
(g) Verbal instructions requiring written confirmation.
(h) Temperature and weather conditions.
(i) Details of any occurrence which may affect the progress of the Works.
2 The Contractor shall also supply to the Engineer, weekly returns as to the number of men and Construction Plant employed and the nature of the Works on which they were employed.
3 The diary shall become the property of the Engineer on completion of the Works


7.7.1 General

1 Where relevant, reports should be referenced to the Programme of Works.
2 The Contractor shall submit three copies of each report unless otherwise specified.

7.7.2 Procurement Status Reports

1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit a Procurement Status Report on a weekly basis for the duration of the Contract. The report shall include the following:
(a) A list of materials and items procured.
(b) A list of items delivered to the site.
(c) References to all correspondence and transmittals between the Contractor and the
Engineer regarding approval of such materials and items.

7.7.3 Progress Report

1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit a Progress Report on a monthly basis for the
duration of the Contract. The report shall be submitted to the Engineer before the seventh day of each month. The report shall include the following:
(a) Labour employed on the Site divided into supervisory staff, tradesmen and others
giving daily totals.
(b) Labour employed on the Site by sub-contractors divided into supervisory staff,
tradesmen and others giving daily totals.
(c) Plant, tools and equipment in working order on the Site on each day.
(d) Accidents to anyone working on the Site which required medical attention.
(e) Details of monthly progress and status of the Works in general terms.
(f) The date of commencement and completion of all critical activities.
(g) Details of problem areas.
(h) Details of current or anticipated causes of delay along with their estimated impact on progress and the corrective measures taken or proposed.
(i) Progress photographs.


7.8.1 General

1 Submittals shall be approved before the materials or equipment covered by the submittals are shipped out in the case of foreign supplies and delivered to the Site in the case of local supplies.

7.8.2 List of Materials

1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit a list of the materials to be used in the Construction
of the Works within thirty (30) days of the start of the Contract. The materials list shall be neatly bound and shall have an index listing the contents.
2 The data for each item listed shall be explicit with regard to details of the actual items being furnished and shall include sufficient information for the Engineer to determine that the products submitted conform to the requirements of the Project Documentation. Such information shall include but not be limited to:
(a) Manufacturer’s name and address.
(b) Trade or brand name.
(c) Local supplier's name and address.
(d) Catalogues, brochures and cuts, marked to indicate the items proposed the intended
(e) Terms and conditions of the manufacturer's guarantee and warranty.
(f) Material inspection and testing agency.
(g) Any other information to fully describe the item.
(h) Supplementary information as may be required for approval.
3 Unless otherwise specified, five (5) bound copies of the materials list shall be submitted, two
(2) of which will be returned to the Contractor marked to show the required corrections or

7.8.3 Samples

1 Unless otherwise specified, each submittal shall include two sets of samples. One set of approved samples and all disapproved samples will be returned to the Contractor.
2 Samples shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of relevant standards where
3 Unless otherwise specified, samples shall be labelled and properly identified with the
(a) Date.
(b) Part of the Works for which offered.
(c) Specification Section, Part and applicable Paragraph numbers.
(d) Supplier/manufacturer.
(e) Product identification (trade name).
4 Samples shall be accompanied by an approved transmittal form along with specifications and other pertinent data required for the Engineer to determine that the material conforms to the requirements of the Project Documentation.
5 If requested in writing by the Contractor, samples of value will be returned to the Contractor after completion of the Work.
6 Approved samples returned to the Contractor may only be incorporated into the Works upon written approval of the Engineer.

7.8.4 Certificates

1 When stated in the Project Documentation or requested by the Engineer in writing, the Contractor shall submit manufacturer’s certificates indicating that test results, component manufacture or installation complies with the requirements of the Project Documentation.
2 A statement from the Contractor, sub-contractor, equipment supplier, or agent indicating the product installation complies with the requirements of the Project Documentation shall not be considered as a certificate.

7.8.5 Manufacturer’s Guarantees and Warranties

1 Manufacturer’s Guarantees and Warrantees shall be submitted prior to handover and final acceptance.


7.9.1 Setting-out of the Works

1 Submittals associated with setting-out of the Works shall comply with the relevant provisions of Part 13 of this Section, Setting out of the Works.


7.10.1 General
1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit method statements for all work activities including major temporary works. He shall also prepare and submit method statements for any work activities if it is a requirement of the Project Documentation or if instructed to do so by the Engineer.
2 The method statements shall incorporate any supporting calculations, drawings and manufacturer’s guidelines.
3 The method statements shall be submitted to the Engineer in ample time before the operation described is started and no work is to be done without written approval from the Engineer. The acceptance by the Engineer of a method statement shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract.
4 Method Statements shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements defined in DOT Specifications Quality Assurance and  Occupational Health and Safety of this Section
5 The Contractor shall submit a Method Statement Schedule to the Engineer for approval Before the start of the contract. The schedule shall be as defined in specification Quality Assurance of this section.


7.11.1 General

1 Applications and invoices for completed Works shall be submitted in accordance with the
Conditions of Contract.

7.11.2 Measurement of Quantities

1 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with all assistance, as and when required for the measurement of all quantities. The Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation and duplication of all calculations, cross-sections and other drawings related to quantities in interim payments. These shall be submitted in draft to the Engineer in sufficient time to enable him to check and agree them before submission for pay



8.1.1 Scope

1 This Part specifies the requirements for the Engineer’s temporary site facilities and includes site offices, utility connections, provision of equipment and supplies and attendance.
2 Related Sections and Parts are as follows
 Health and Safety
Setting Out of the Works


8.2.1 General

1 The Contractor shall provide site offices the type and number as stated in the Project Documentation. The position of the site offices shall be to the approval of the Engineer.
2 Upon removal of the site offices, the area occupied or otherwise affected by them shall be reinstated to its original condition.
3 Refer the attached Office drawing 


8.3.1 General

1 The Contractor shall make all arrangements and pay all charges in connection with the installation, maintenance, operation and removal of the service utilities described in this Clause.

8.3.2 Electricity

1 The Contractor shall arrange for the provision of an uninterrupted electrical power supply to the Engineer’s offices during all working hours and any at other time as requested by the Engineer for the duration of the Contract.

8.3.3 Water

1 The Contractor shall arranged for the provision of an uninterrupted water supply to the Engineer’s offices during all working hours and at any other time as requested by the Engineer for the duration of the Contract.

8.3.4 Internet

1 The Contractor shall arranged for the provision of a dedicated and uninterrupted internet access to the Engineer’s offices during all working hours and at any other time as requested by the Engineer for the duration of the Contract. The speed of such supply shall be agreed with the Engineer..


8.4.1 General

1 The following items of equipment, supplies and associated level of service shall all be provided unless detailed elsewhere in the Contract Documentation.

8.4.2 Computers and Scanners/Printers

1 The Contractor shall provide new network/internet capable computers and scanners/printers for the sole use of the Engineer. The number of computers and scanners/printers required and their performance specification shall be as detailed in the Project Documentation. The Contractor shall also supply and install any computer software as detailed in the Project Documentation.
2 The Contractor shall maintain the computers and scanners/printer for the duration of the
Contract and provide all consumables necessary for its operation.
3 The Contractor shall be responsible for installing legal copies of operating system and software, trouble shooting, supplying of required consumables and maintenance of the system.
4 Operating system and software requirements shall be as specified by the Engineer, with the following as a minimum:
(a) Latest version of Microsoft Windows Operating System
(b) Latest version of Microsoft Office
5 All software must be of latest version and Arabic enabled, to the approval of the Engineer.
6 The Contractor shall ensure that all computers and scanners/printers provided for the Engineers use are networked within the Engineers facilities to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

8.4.3 Photocopier

1 The Contractor shall provide a new photocopier for the sole use of the Engineer. The performance specification for the photocopier shall be as detailed in the Project Documentation.
2 The Contractor shall maintain the photocopier for the duration of the Contract and provide all consumables necessary for its operation.



9.1.1 Scope

1 This Part specifies the requirements for setting out of the Works and includes locating existing services, surveying the Site and establishment of temporary bench marks.
2 The Engineer reserves the right to order levels to be taken at any time considered necessary for the full and proper supervision and measurement of the Works.


9.2.1 Site Information

1 Before commencing the setting out of the Works the Contractor shall ascertain the location of all existing underground services within the Site boundary. The Contractor shall prepare a plan detailing the location of the services.
2 Any conflict between existing services and any part of the proposed Works shall be brought
to the attention to the Engineer without delay.
3 Any re-work resulting from the Contractor’s failure to locate and identify services shall be
undertaken at the Contractor’s cost.

9.2.2 Site Inspection

1 Before commencing the setting out of the Works, the Contractor and the Engineer shall make an inspection of the Site.
2 Where appropriate, the Engineer shall require the Contractor to arrange for surveys to be undertaken, in conjunction with the owners or occupiers, of the condition of roads, properties, lands and crops which may be affected by the Works. Before any work affecting such roads, properties, lands or crops is commenced, the Contractor shall confirm in writing to the Engineer that the relevant survey is a true and accurate record of their condition.


9.3.1 Site Survey

1 Before the Works or any part thereof are commenced, the Contractor and the Engineer shall together make a complete survey and take levels of the Site and agree all particulars upon which setting out of the Works shall be based, including existing plant, buildings and services.
2 The Contractor shall prepare drawings detailing all survey information and levels. Such levels shall be related to the temporary bench marks as aforesaid. The Plans shall also show the Site Grid. After agreement of the drawings they shall be signed by the Engineer and Contractor and shall form basis of settling out of the Works.
3 The Contractor shall submit the original signed Drawings with three copies to the Engineer.
4 Failing such surveys and agreements being prepared and/or signed by the Contractor, the surveys of the Engineer shall be final and binding upon both parties.


9.4.1 Setting Out of the Works

1 The Contractor shall carry out at his own cost the setting out of the Works.
2 The Contractor shall be responsible for:
(a) True and proper settings out of the Works in relation to reference data given  in the Project Documentation.
(b) Accurately setting out the positions, levels and dimensions of all parts of the Works.
3 Any delay or loss resulting from errors in the setting out of the Works shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Setting out shall be reviewed by the Engineer before commencing the Works, but such approval shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the correct execution of the Work.
4 The Contractor shall provide measuring and recording equipment for the Engineer’s Site Facilities. The Contractor shall maintain all measuring and recording equipment in good working
order at all times.
5 The Contractor shall provide all assistance which the Engineer may require for checking the setting out and taking measurements of the Works, including labour, equipment and transportation.



10.1.1 Scope

1 This Part specifies the requirements for the final clearance of the Site.


10.2.1 General

1 Final clearing shall be done before the final inspection.
2 All waste materials shall be removed from the Site and disposed of properly.

10.2.2 Internal and External Surfaces

1 The Contractor shall clean all interior and external surfaces exposed to view. The Contractor shall undertake the following to the satisfaction of the Engineer:
(a) Remove temporary labels, stains and foreign substances.
(b) Polish transparent and glossy surfaces.
(c) Clean roofs, gutters, downspouts, and drainage systems.
(d) Remove debris and surface dust from limited access spaces.
(e) Broom clean concrete floors and unoccupied spaces.
(f) Clean light fixtures and lamps so they operate at maximum efficiency.
(g) Other cleaning tasks as specified by the Engineer.

10.2.3 The Site

1 The Contractor shall clean the Site and shall undertake the following to the satisfaction of the Engineer:
 (a) Sweep paved areas and rake all other surfaces.
 (b) Remove litter and foreign substances.
 (c) Remove stains, chemical spills and other foreign deposits.
(d) Any other cleaning tasks as specified by the Engineer.
2 The Contractor shall abide by the latest regulations of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture and relevant municipalities in clearance of construction works refuse.
3 Clearance and transportation of construction works refuse:
 (a) The Contractor shall undertake to carry out the following within a maximum period of 30 days after completion of the agreed building or project and preparing it for use or stoppage of work for an indefinite period.
(i) Removal of the entire Contractor’s equipment, machinery and other belongings from the work site.
(ii) Clearance of all earth, debris and refuse whatsoever and transporting them to the location designated by the concerned municipality, delivering the building or project absolutely clean and free of any such materials and delivery of the surrounding area levelled to the natural level of the street pavement.
(b) In the case of Contractor’s delay or refusal to carry out such a job, he shall have to pay a penal compensation stated in the Project Documentation. This compensation shall be final and the judiciary shall not be entitled to mitigate it and it does not require establishing the occurrence of any damage to the owner.

10.2.4 Miscellaneous

1 The Contractor shall clean or replace all mechanical filters for equipment included in the Works and for equipment directly affected by the construction of the Works

INTERVIEW Q&A for Geo-Technical Investigation and Geological Materials and Ground Water

INTERVIEW QUESTIONS & ANSWERES Geo-Technical Investigation and Geological Materials and Ground Water Note: Below information is given as...